Esteemed experts and delegates who were present at School of Pharmacy, BBD University, Lucknow for Guest Lecture cum Workshop in accordance with the guidelines of “Cyber Jakrookta” and their details are as follows.
1. Dr. R.S. Nehra is President of an Cyber Crime Awareness Educational Society (ISO 27001), which works in the area of education, training, skill development, consultancy and security services (Physical & Cyber) to corporate, government and government undertaking (PSU). Dr. Nehra has served in various universities and colleges across the country and conducted various awareness programs and capacity development programs throughout India with both Government and Non-Government agencies like EDI, Government of J&K, Govt. of Karnataka etc. His clear mission is to create employment by identifying and respond to the need of the industry and making future secure through skilling/up-skilling on the most advanced security education (physical/cyber) in the nation.
2. Mr. Vijay Kumar Jhingran is the Vice President of College of Security Studies. His focus is on developing and implementing Skill innovation. He is a leading Techno-Management professional with over 25 years of experience in IT-Training & IT-Services Industry, designed & delivered many Information Technology related to skill development programs.
Event Date: 24.04.2024
Event Department: School of Pharmacy, BBD University