A novel protodioscin-enriched fenugreek seed extract (Trigonellafoenum-graecum, family Fabaceae) improves free testosterone level and sperm profile in healthy volunteers
A novel protodioscin-enriched fenugreek seed extract (Trigonellafoenum-graecum, family Fabaceae) improves free testosterone level and sperm profile in healthy volunteers2017-06-272023-06-27https://bbdu.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/bbdu-logo.gifBBDUhttps://bbdu.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/bbdu-logo.gif200px200px
Year of Publication: 2017 Name of Journal: Functional Foods in Health and Disease Author(s): DebasisBagchi, AnandSwaroop, Anuj Maheshwari, NarsinghVerma, Kiran Tiwari, ManashiBagchi, Harry G. Preuss, Pawan Kumar ISSN No. : 6160-3855 Volume: 7, No 4 Page No. : 235-245
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31989/ffhd.v7i4.326